VIP Assisted Living
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Time to Talk to Your Loved One About Assisted Living

Time to Talk to Your Loved One About Assisted Living

Our loved ones are our priceless treasures. We want to provide the best possible care for them. But challenging times would soon come to them as they age. They will have difficulty in doing some routine activities such as keeping the house, availing of social services, making transportation arrangements, doing everyday activities like taking a bath, cooking, dressing, and more. When these happen, it’s time to get assistance. Assisted living will be a good option because it can provide all the care our elderly loved ones need. In this instance, you need to find a good assisted living facility in Surprise, Arizona.

But convincing our senior loved ones may not be as easy as we think. They may reject the idea of moving to assisted living facilities. But if you notice the following signs, it is the right time to talk to your loved one about assisted living.

  • Empty refrigerators or filled with stale food
    Perhaps this happens because your loved one is already having difficulty shopping for groceries or cooking and preparing food by themselves. This may result in deteriorating weight and overall health. This could happen to any senior living in Arizona.
  • Repeated bruises
    Your loved one may try to hide frequent bruises that may have resulted from falling, balance, or locomotion problems. You should be keen on checking for this sign in your loved one.
  • Forgetfulness
    The frequency of your loved one forgetting things such as the schedule of taking their medicines or missing any of their appointments has significantly increased. This is a tell-tale sign of memory loss.
  • Repeated use of clothes
    When your loved one keeps on repeating the same clothes for several days or perhaps doesn’t keep good personal hygiene anymore, it suggests that physically, he/she may be having difficulty washing the clothes and taking a bath.

VIP Assisted Living LLC feels the same way as you do when your loved ones experience these signs. That’s why we are able to prepare a facility and professional staff to give the utmost care to your beloved elderly loved ones. Rest assured that your loved ones will always get the best treatment as our company also offers respite care, so there’s always someone available to look after their needs.

Making Your Senior’s Room Feel Like Home


Big changes can be stressful for older adults. Especially if these changes involve new living arrangements and unfamiliar faces. Too much stress can affect your loved one’s overall health and may possibly lead to health complications.

To help you and your elderly loved one out, VIP Assisted Living LLC is here to give a few tips on how you can make your senior’s room in their Assisted Living Facility in Surprise, Arizona feel like home:

  • Downsize mindfully

    Senior Living in Arizona often involves smaller spaces. This means that you will need to purge your loved one’s belongings. It’s not easy to part with the things you have been using or keeping for years, so be sure to be as patient as possible. A great way to start is to ask your loved ones which items they want to bring with them in assisted living.

  • Use familiar furnishing

    If your loved one’s favorite furniture fits their new room, make sure to make use of them. This will help make your loved one’s new room feel homier. You can also find furniture that resembles the ones they have at home.

  • Bringing mementos

    Moving to a new place can make anyone feel homesick, and a little lonely. Bringing a few mementos can really help in comforting your senior, and ease their transition into a new living space.

We hope these tips prove useful in your loved one’s move. If you are on the lookout for an assisted living community, or in need of Respite Care, feel free to give us a call at 602-317-5005.

The Benefits of Playing Bingo, and It’s Not Just the Fun

When you visit our assisted living facility in Surprise, Arizona, you’ll see that we have a variety of leisurely activities for our residents. There’s movie night on some weekends, and on some days, everyone gets together in the common room for a game of Bingo.

Bingo is actually very popular among assisted living facilities like ours. It’s fun, and it gets the elderly together for some socialization. It also has several benefits for our grandfathers and grandmothers, which younger people can enjoy too!

Let’s take a look at why bingo is beneficial for senior living in Arizona:

  • It helps boost concentration.
    As we grow older, it becomes more difficult for us to maintain our concentration. When you play Bingo, however, you’ll have to train yourself to concentrate, not only on the card but also on the numbers being called. It’ll be difficult at first, especially when you play multiple cards, but your brain will adjust in time.
  • Your hand-eye coordination improves.
    You’ll need a lot of hand-eye coordination skills to accurately place your marker on the number, which you should also do as fast as you can. Frequently playing Bingo (as long as you don’t bet) helps both the elderly and younger people keep their reflexes sharp.
  • It enhances your emotional health.
    Last but not the least, playing Bingo provides a fun-filled pastime that can help distract your mind from stress. Living away from their families can be emotionally draining for seniors, but Bingo can help provide a much-needed diversion.

Visit us now at VIP Assisted Living LLC. If you need respite care, we’ll be happy to provide a caregiver for your elderly at home too.